Rube Goldberg was a 19th Century engineer and inventor best known for a series of cartoons depicting complex machines performing a simple task.
In our first class in the Systems Unit, I asked students to construct their own Rube Goldberg with the materials I gave them in their tool-kit and any other materials from the classroom. They were asked to create a machine using a minimum of three different steps to get a ping pong ball into a plastic cup.
Students were given: a ping pong ball, a plastic cup, tape, popsicle sticks, string, paper, paper clips, toothpicks, a ruler, and a toy car.
Having never used this activity before or even making my own Rube Goldberg machine, I was uncertain how the activity would go. I was thrilled to see that my students were enthusiastic and engaged in the task. This activity is great for kinaesthetic learners, and is a great way to introduce the unit. I have included a few videos of the Rube Goldberg Machines my students created.
As we progressed through the unit, I had students asking me if we could make another Rube Goldberg Machine. In response to the enthusiasm my students showed for creating their own inventions, I chose to use a Rube Goldberg Machine as a final assessment in the unit.

• A
neat drawings of the machine complete with:
- The name of the machine
- The two simple machines labelled
- Measurements of the weights and distances
• A short description of their invention answering the questions:
- Why did you choose to use the simple machines you did to overcome the problem?
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